CONTENTS (#73, June 2010) 

Editor: Diane Lyons

Click on title to view/download an article as a PDF. 


Archaeological Investigations at Songo Mnara, Tanzania, 2009           
          Stephanie Wynne-Jones and Jeffrey Fleisher

Gradient and soilanalysis identify the function of stone-built tunnels in the archaeology of theEastern Highlands 
         Ann Kritzinger

Use-wear Analysis of Later Stone Age Artifacts from Mogapelwa
         Arunima Kashyap, Lawrence H. Robbins and Michael L. Murphy

Metallurgie du Fer en Afrique: un Champ de Convergance des Sciences Sociales, Physiques et de lanature
         Martin Elouga

Research at DGB-1, Northern Cameroon
         Scott MacEachern, Joseph-Marie Datouang Djoussou and Rebecca Janson

Outline of a New Research Project on the Nok Culture of Central Nigeria
          Peter Breunig and Nicole Rupp

An Archaeological Appraisal of Early European Settlement in The Gambia
           Christopher R DeCorse, Liza Gijanto and BakarySanyang

Excavations and Surveys in Mursiland, S.W. Ethiopia, May-July 2009: A Preliminary Fieldwork Report
           Timothy Clack and Marcus Brittain

Cultivation and Consumption of Teff in Gojjam Highlands: Implication for Understanding the Beginning of Food Production in Ethiopia 
            GedefAbawa Firew 

The First Joint Archaeological Field School of the University ofAxum and the University of Naples "l'Orientale"   
           Larurel Phillipson 

An Analysis of the Regional Dimensions Excavations and Surveys in Mursiland, S.W. Ethiopia, May-July 2009: A Preliminary Fieldwork Report
           Alemseged Beldados